Cloud Security Services

As more businesses move their operations to the cloud, the need for robust cloud security services has become increasingly important. At CyberAssured, we offer cloud security services that protect your cloud-based data, applications, and infrastructure from cyber threats.

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Stay Ahead of Cloud Security Threats

In today's digital age, cloud security threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated and frequent. It's crucial for businesses to stay ahead of these threats to ensure the protection of their cloud-based assets. At CyberAssured, we offer advanced cloud security solutions that help businesses stay ahead of cloud security threats.
About CyberAssured

Our Cloud Security Solutions

Cloud Migration with Microsoft 365

Enable your business onto Microsoft 365 suites. We will ensure your business meets the highest level of security compliance. 

Take the advantages of unlocking world-class productivity, collaboration, secure cloud storage, automatic upgrades, and security compliance to mitigate any cyber threat.  

Essential Eight Implementation

The Essential Eight is a set of mitigation strategies developed by the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) to help organizations protect themselves against cybersecurity threats. The strategies focus on eight key areas that are commonly targeted by attackers.  

Here are the steps to implement the Essential Eight: 

  • Identify and assess your organization's current security posture: You need to understand your current security measures and identify the gaps. This can be done by conducting a security risk assessment. 
  • Prioritize the Essential Eight mitigation strategies: Based on your risk assessment, prioritize the Essential Eight mitigation strategies that are most relevant to your organization. 
  • Develop an implementation plan: Develop a plan that outlines how you will implement the prioritized Essential Eight mitigation strategies. This should include timelines, responsibilities, and resource requirements. 
  • Implement the mitigation strategies: Implement the Essential Eight mitigation strategies in line with your implementation plan. 
  • Test and evaluate: Test and evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented mitigation strategies to ensure that they are working as intended. 
  • Monitor and review: Continuously monitor and review the effectiveness of the implemented mitigation strategies to ensure that they are still relevant and effective. 
  • Report and communicate: Report and communicate the progress and effectiveness of the implemented mitigation strategies to relevant stakeholders, including senior management and the board. 
  • Continuously improve: Continuously improve your organization's cybersecurity posture by updating your risk assessment, revising your implementation plan, and adapting your mitigation strategies to changing threats and risks. 

Essential Eight Reporting

Reporting on the Essential Eight is an important aspect of ensuring that your organization is effectively mitigating cybersecurity risks. Here are some key points to consider when reporting on the Essential Eight: 

  • Identify the relevant stakeholders: The first step is to identify the stakeholders who will be interested in the Essential Eight report. This could include senior management, the board, and IT staff. 
  • Use clear and concise language: When reporting on the Essential Eight, use clear and concise language that is easy for stakeholders to understand. Avoid technical jargon or acronyms that may not be familiar to all stakeholders. 
  • Provide a summary of the current security posture: Provide a summary of the current security posture of the organization, including any identified gaps or vulnerabilities. 
  • Describe the implemented mitigation strategies: Describe the Essential Eight mitigation strategies that have been implemented, including the timelines, responsibilities, and resource requirements. 
  • Provide evidence of effectiveness: Provide evidence of the effectiveness of the implemented mitigation strategies, such as the results of security testing, incident reports, or user feedback. 
  • Report on any incidents or breaches: Report on any cybersecurity incidents or breaches that have occurred since the last report, including any lessons learned and actions taken to prevent similar incidents in the future. 
  • Provide recommendations for improvement: Provide recommendations for improving the organization's cybersecurity posture, based on the results of the risk assessment and the effectiveness of the implemented mitigation strategies. 
  • Set goals for the next reporting period: Set goals for the next reporting period, based on the recommendations for improvement and any changes in the threat landscape or regulatory environment. 

Reporting on the Essential Eight should be done regularly, typically on a quarterly or annual basis, and should be included in the organization's overall risk management process. 

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